Text File | 1993-11-19 | 784 b | 7 lines | [TEXT/ttxt]
ReDebugger 1.0 Release
This is a tiny extension that reinstalls the current debugger every 1/10 of a second. Why you ask - because some lame developers have decided to disable the debugger when their applications are run - unfortunately some of them do it incorrectly and/or forget to re-enable it when there app is switched out or quits. This leaves the user screwed when something crashes or the user needs the debugger.
Technically this 'INIT' installs a vertical blanking task (VBL) that is to be executed every 6 ticks. The VBL simply resets the MacJmp ($120) debugger vetor and the $BFF debugger installed/running flags according to what was at these locations at startup.
Note: This INIT must be run while the debugger is still intact or it will not do anything for you.